Scrum Master
Day-to-day responsibilities include:
- Applying Agile methodology values, principles, and practices to plan, manage, and deliver solutions.
- Training, mentoring, and supporting scrum teams to adhere to Agile values, principles, and practices.
- Identifying and managing tasks, issues, risks, and action items.
- Collaborate with cross-functional teams (operations, engineering, infrastructure) to integrate across multiple application projects.
- Scheduling and facilitating scrum events, meetings, and decision-making processes.
- Monitoring progress and performance and assisting teams in making improvements.
- Planning and organizing demos and product/system testing.
- Ensuring the effective use of collaborative processes and removing obstacles for the scrum team.
- Tracking project processes, deliverables, and financials.
- Preparing and presenting status reports to stakeholders.
Aon has transitioned to a product-oriented model and is investing in capabilities like never before. This role will give the chosen candidate a unique opportunity to shape the architecture for our Commercial Risk Ecosystem to drive significant revenue and efficiency opportunities across all countries where Aon operates.
- 10+ years demonstrated IT experience.
- Bachelors degree in computer science, information technology, or a relevant field preferred.
- Certified scrum master, SAFe preferred.
- 5+ years of experience as a scrum master or in a similar role.
- Working knowledge of Agile methodology, techniques, and frameworks, such as Scrum or Kanban, to deliver solutions.
- Leadership and management experience.
- Excellent people and project management skills.
- Strong communication and presentation skills.
- Strong analytical and problem-solving skills.
Wdrażanie i optymalizacja metodologii Agile w projektach. Szkolenie i mentoring zespołów Scrum w zakresie zasad Agile. Zarządzanie zadaniami, identyfikacja problemów oraz prowadzenie działań korygujących. Integracja projektów z działami...
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Koordynator / Koordynatorka ds. planowania produkcji i sprzedaży
Zadania, które na Ciebie czekają: Przygotowanie planów długo i krótko terminowych sprzedaży i produkcji dla podległych zakładów produkcyjnych. Zbieranie zapotrzebowania z działów sprzedaży oraz ich weryfikacja. Alokacja planów...